Re: [GNOME-my]Re: [Fwd: Conferences in the coming year]

Imran William Smith wrote:
Hasbullah Bin Pit wrote:

I would like to ask wether MIMOS or UPSI has plan to do
any opensource/FLOSS/FS conference in 2004.

Actually we (MIMOS) have not decided this yet.

I would like to suggest MIMOS to decide the date as earlier as can
prefered in august.

If MIMOS of other organiser decide the date earlier, I promise I'll invite GNOME hacker to Malaysia. but if it late, i cant do anything.

from planet GNOME

" Hrm. So I think I could fairly reasonably justify going to a whole stack of conferences in the coming months, but they're all at the end of each successive month. Harsh. Plus, USENIX is not on the list because it conflicts with GUADEC. That's a real bummer, because Keith was trying to get me drunk at the dinner so I'd agree to do a talk there. Here's the list, up to the end of August. I imagine that a GNOME Summit (in the USA) would be in Septemberish, too. Fear.

    * Debconf 4 in Porto Alegre, Brazil: May 26th to June 2nd
    * GVADEC 2004 in Kristiansand, Norway: June 28th to June 30th
    * OSCON 2004 in Portland, USA: July 26th to July 30th
    * FOSSCON in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Most likely the end of August

Jdub is already plan for FOSSCON even though the organiser didnt say anything about the date yet.

Organising a conference
takes a very large amount of time and effort (something like 3 months
x several people, up to 6 months for 1-2 people).  That cuts
heavily into other projects.

If the management decide to make fosscon this year theme
as "Opensource in Desktop" organiser can get help GNOME-[my/ms]

Having said that, we recognise that Malaysia will benefit from
regular open source / free software conferences.

The trouble with a joint conference is that it's very difficult
to make quick decisions.  Every decision has to be okayed / discussed
with the other party - so more time is spent in meetings, and
less time is available to contact speakers etc.

Just assume It's MIMOS only  conference, MIMOS set the date  and
others like UPSI or local opensrc company can be "co-organiser"


Hasbullah Bin Pit

PSS Merlimau

Tel : 06-2631984
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