Re: Hello there...

Chee Bin HOH menulis:
--- Colin Charles <linux bytebot net> wrote:

So, what exactly do we do? Market GNOME? I like the
idea plenty.

I prefer this list do everything with GNOME in Malaysia.
and I'm suggesting this upstream.
gnome user need support, love, sharing experince.
eat together...

Yup, Market GNOME... that is the intent of starting
the list and GNOME marketing team. Market GNOME,
having demo and booth in showcase (free software, of
course), teaching GNOME (if i got time to compile the
set of tutorials) and other is what we can do, any
more idea, ;)?

For those who interest in technical stuffs, maybe, can
consider joining Hasbullah (sebol) for his
localization efforts...

I prefer gnome user to love gnome and start to contribute on less technical part of gnome developement. such as bugsquad and docs.
our docs guru is here :)

Anyone of you going to 2004 next year?

I was once planning  to go there, but I also like to
be in GUADEC conference in Norway (2004), so burget
problem, i drop the 2004.

I plan to bring jeff wough and several gnome hacker to fosscon next year.. and create mini guadec at fosscon.

I'll be there, and
report about GNOME happenings to the list asap!

Hey, that is cool, maybe u can drop us some
interesting news, and photo u took there... ;)
I am planning to come up a site which will hold up
everything about GNOME malaysia, it takes some times
(quite busy for my work),... also i am not a good web
designer, someone might want to help and do better
than me?
Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol)

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