Re: Writing a glib/vfs id3 library/MP3s to test.

> All of this is available in libid3tag already. As I said, I don't see
> the point of reinventing another API and implementation, well all that
> needed is minor changes to libid3tag.

To read image frames, and most non-text frames for that matter (there
are a lot of them) with libid3tag, you are required to have a deep
understanding of the id3 specifications. While a secondary API or
modified core could remove that need, I would much rather see a library
designed with that in mind.

The goal of my library is to simply provide a solid library for
reading/writing every ID3 frame independent of a fixed file system.
Also, to provide an easier solution for GLib based software: I use
GLib's iconv front to render all strings as UTF-8; I store the frames in
GLists; I use glib data types; etc; and I try to follow principles laid
down by the GLib core.

If you would rather use libid3tag, I don't have a problem with that. I'm
just trying to provide a viable alternative.

Oh well, to each his own.
Brian Kerrick Nickel                                     kerrick cox net

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