Some ideas...

i've been following the gnome sound project for a while now, and i've had a few ideas...

[ What should sound do? ]

(food for thought)

For a start, I think that sound in gnome should give feed back to the user about what is happening. For example, when a user moves over a button, we already have the 'pre-light' function, but what about a soft 'pop.' Ditto for when a user clicks on a button, although the sound should be more positive, probably a 'click.'

I recommend that all those on this list take a good look at enlightenment, and it's 'brushed metal - tigert' theme, which features sounds for actions such a s closing a windows etc. Once you have experienced the added dimension of sound in a theme, it is hard to go back to an ordinary 'mute' theme.

So therefore, sound really MUST be part of Gnome, up there in, possibly with the sound themes intergrated with gtk themes, although separate as well if a user wants.

Also, just an idea, but what about going a little bit further and having a complete sequencer. I mean, you know how electronic music is often repetitive, or at least follows a pattern, well, why not have a basic beat in the bg when you start, and then as the user types stuff, clicks, moves windows, whatever... those events get added to the sound que, and the sequencer program (daemon?) reads these, layering the sounds up on top of the basic beat in time to the music. You could download extra sounds and genres etc. Just an idea, but could be quite cool to give go!

Similar to this , but a bit 'lower' is 'Type writer, v1' which is a simple windows program that responds to every key press with a tap and spaces with a slide sound, a line returns (enter) with the appropriate typewriter sound. In addition, the sounds can be changed to fireworks and explosions, which is quite cool. note: windows only. still, it is quite nice to get aural (sp?) feed for those of us who have stiff keys and and don't touce type (!)

A bit more... for our sound panel, it sound be so that a user can drag a sound file from the gnome filer, or ROX-Filer onto the appropriate event. Then once done, just drag the completed sound theme (through an icon or something) back into your filer to save it.

It's that extra little bit that counts.

michael adams...
madleech hotmail com
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