Re: [gnome-love] AppIcon in a PyGTK application

On Jan 13, 2008 4:29 PM, Trond Andersen <trond andersen gmail com> wrote:

The Meld application has gotten tangoified icons in the following
Bugzilla case:

The patch isn't included because of the lacking support in the build
setup. I've tried to look at this, but I'm a bit confused about how
these things work. I've patched the GNUMakefile to install and remove
all the tangoified icons and this seems to work alright. But I have
two issues:

- What is the PyGTK method for doing the following in C:

  g_set_application_name (_("Gurilla"));


  gtk_window_set_default_icon_name ("gurilla");

gtk.window_set_default_icon_name ("gurilla");

A tip: Try google code search if you want to know how something is
done in python

- If the application uses glade files to setup the UI, how do you make
sure that these files are themeable? My understanding was that these
XML files were read during startup/initialization and have to resolve
the icon references. Will the icon properties be overriden by code?

My understanding is that you don't have to do anything. It just works

Any application I could look at that uses both PyGTK and Glade?

Try meld. It's in GNOME SVN


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