[gnome-love] AppIcon in a PyGTK application


The Meld application has gotten tangoified icons in the following
Bugzilla case:


The patch isn't included because of the lacking support in the build
setup. I've tried to look at this, but I'm a bit confused about how
these things work. I've patched the GNUMakefile to install and remove
all the tangoified icons and this seems to work alright. But I have
two issues:

- What is the PyGTK method for doing the following in C:

  g_set_application_name (_("Gurilla"));
  gtk_window_set_default_icon_name ("gurilla");

- If the application uses glade files to setup the UI, how do you make
sure that these files are themeable? My understanding was that these
XML files were read during startup/initialization and have to resolve
the icon references. Will the icon properties be overriden by code?
Any application I could look at that uses both PyGTK and Glade?

Best regards,
Trond Andersen

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