Re: [gnome-love] GNOME Goals birthday!

I'd also like to know if Claudio and/or Xan would be willing to put some
time here, to build a GNOME Goals team...

Sure. I'd say we need to be very careful if we want to put GTK+ inside
any goal because the mean time for your patch to get in is generally
not that great and it could discourage newcomers. Other than that...
as I said in the GTK+ email I shaped my proposal to mimic GNOME Love,
and they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, so you
can count me in :)

Nice to hear ;-)

About putting GTK+ in a goal, I see more this in a way that the newcommer would use GTK+ for the goal, without necessarily write code *for* GTK. GNOME Goals are more of a "spread this good thing on all the desktop". For example I'm currently working on having ekiga stop using deprecated widgets. Telling "let's migrate every GtkCombo to a GtkComboBox" could be a realistic GNOME Goal. We can that way write some specific guidelines, wich can then be turned into tutorials. That way, we improve both the desktop *and* the knowledge base.

For module-specific actions, the usual gnome-love comportment is still the best way to go. According that someone is willing to help on a bug, and that its implementation context is well defined, the gnome-love keyword can be set on that bug.

That way, it will appear next to the module: the "love bugs" link will give someone a pool of bugs he can work on, being sure that he can request some help anytime.

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