Re: [gnome-love] ideas for gnome ghop tasks

hi aantn,

thanks a lot for the proposals! can't comment on all of them because i
don't have a clue on some topics.

Am Sonntag, den 30.12.2007, 18:42 +0200 schrieb natan yellin:
1. Add ability to zip files directly from nautilus. This should be a
menu item and an option in the right click menu.

i know that the nautilus folks don't have any free time because of
reworking the GIO/GVFS stuff. i wonder if either some file-roller folks
(Paolo Bacchilega?) could assist here, and if this shouldn't be part of
nautilus-actions or -sendto instead (this is not core functionality).

2. Add os x style dnd "spring" feature to nautilus. (Folders "spring"
open if you move over them and wait for a few seconds while dragging.)

iirc we can't do that due to patent issues.

3. Bring the gtk tutorial up to date.

that sounds like a really good task, now someone willing to mentor it
just needs to clarify it a bit and enter it into google's task tracker.

6. Give a presentation in your community introducing gnome. (This was
inspired by the pyhon task.)

i think this is out of our control, though it would fit in the
"Outreach" category...

7. Document four or five undocumented widgets in the gtk tutorial. 

sounds also very good.

Does anyone have any objections to a task along the lines of "add five
new tasks..." I've seen these in several of the other projects, but I
can understand why we might not want to do this one. 

in general i would wonder if we can keep quality or if people will just
add half-baken ideas, but if we have a clear and defined required detail
and quality level and also add a field that the tasks should deal with
(you mentioned on irc), i would not mind.

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