Re: [gnome-love] ideas for gnome ghop tasks

On Dec 19, 2007 6:40 PM, Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com> wrote:
So, Behdad asked for more ideas to keep those students busy...

Here are some, with some annotations from irc discussion with Owen and

1. Write a help document for vinagre
   (affected module: vinagre)

There's a bugzilla bug on this

It includes the framework to get everything to build and to install.
The manual just contains section headers. So somebody should still
write the manual as requested here.

Cheese has also has such a manual. So also their some GHOP love might
be appropriate


2. Make gnome-screenshot capture the pointer image
   (affected module: gnome-utils)

   This one needs good step-by-step instructions, pointing to the
   functions you use to get the pointer image, locate the pointer
   position, etc

3. Add a background-per-workspace option in the appearance capplet
   (affected modules: control-center, nautilus, eel, gnome-desktop,...)

   This one is quite possibly too big; it touches multiple modules.

4. Move the keybinding preference from from tomboy to the
   keybinding capplet
   (affected module: tomboy)

   This is bug 410760, Bastien said he can write/monitor this one.

5. Move the keybinding preference from from beagle-search-tool to the
   keybinding capplet
   (affected module: beagle)

   This is bug 410759, Bastien said he can write/monitor this one.

6. Move the keybinding preference from from deskbar-applet to the
   keybinding capplet
   (affected module: deskbar-applet)

   This is bug 413538, Bastien said he can write/monitor this one.

7. Make the invest applet work on vertical panels, and make it handle
   panel configuration changes properly.
   (affected module: gnome-applets)

   This one should probably be written/monitored by Vincent...

8. Reinstate the "locate pointer" feature and add a configurable
   keybinding for it instead of hardcoding "Ctrl".
   (affected module: control-center)

   This is bug 480457. Bastian is willing to support this one, too.
   Details: " could add it to the multimedia keys backend,
   nick the effect from the old code, add a schema, integrate in g-s-d"

9. Add some compositing effect for tooltips (e.g fade in)
   (affected module: gtk+)

   Owens comment on this one was: just have them do a prototype, not a
   full implementation; needs good guidance). I'd be willing to write
   this one up.

10. Measure icon cache effectiveness (ie how often do we render svgs or
scale because a size is missing), desktop-wide
   (affected module: gtk+)

   I'd be willing to write this one up.

11. (follow-up to 10). Add support to gtk-update-icon-cache to
optionally scale icons to missing sizes or prerender svgs.
  (affected module: gtk+)

  Owens comment on this one was: too big/hard. I'd be willing to write
  it up anyway, if you think that is ok.

Regards, Matthias

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