Re: [gnome-love] Revitalising gnome-love ... some history

I'm in the same position as Aaron. Would love to start helping and am currently working my way through Mattias Warkus' Gnome 2.0 book(German). I could translate from German into English but don't know how much of a use that is. I'm not scared of shit jobs while I'm learning the ropes. What would be really helpful would be a list of programs that are ideal for seeing how it is all put together. Not to difficult to grasp for us newbies. Maybe a tutorial to go along with it. Does this already exist and I haven"t found it?

Anyway, as mentioned before trying to get a grasp of all this is a little overwhelming and any assistance would be welcome.


PS: I only joined the list 2 days ago and I must confess I've yet to look at the archives.

Aaron Walker wrote:

First of all, glad to help start up some activity ;) I would love to contribute to GNOME some how, but I have no clue where to start. I really would like to contribute some code, but I guess I will need to teach myself GTK+, etc before I am knowledgeble enough to write anything useful. I don't know that I really have any other special skills. I know a little C and that's about it as of now. I guess for now, I will be busy reading all the little tutorials and other docs that are available on


Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:

[Warning: very long, possibly tedious.... If you already know the
history of this list, do not read. There is nothing that is both new and
correct in here.]

I had a real feeling of deja-vu yesterday after Aaron Walker's post,
because I have been thinking a lot lately about whether this list is
really worth keeping. I had sort of convinced myself that is was, since
a quiet list causes no harm and can periodically be useful.

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