Re: [gnome-love] Intrested in hacking gnome and doing gtop tree view

Heeten <azari geo yahoo com> writes:

-nod-  The reason I choose this feature is because I
found it in the todo database at
I guess I sortof forgot to mention that in my mail. 
Also, I sent my first e-mail to
martin home-of-linux org also :)

Hi gnome-love folks,

can you please remove this item from the todo list and tell him in
a polite way that:

* if he sends me a working and complete patch and I don't have any
  work with this patch, it will go in

* he cannot expect any help whatsoever from me and I will not answer
  any questions

* there is little to no chance at all that his code will make it
  into GTop2

GTop is dead code and scheduled for a complete rewrite; if someone
wants to work on it, the correct way is to start with GTop2, but
this'd involve a lot of API designing work for both GTop2 and LibGTop,
so it cannot be done by a complete newbie.

My plan is to use gob / pong / bonobo-conf and maybe e-table for GTop2
and to make the whole design much more object oriented.

Martin Baulig
martin gnome org (private)
baulig suse de (work)

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