[gnome-love] Computing readability values in gtk-doc

  While reading the recently added usability and readability guide


I found that some of the readbility tests could probably be computed
without too much troubles in an automated way. There is 3 algorithm
provided at 


Computing those (or grabbing existing code to do so) and linking it to
gtk-doc could help making some systematic evaluation of our documentation.
I already appreciated a lot the improvement in gtk-doc providing the
coverage percentage of the docs, I think adding more metrics would be
useful (and it sounds like a fun thing to add).


P.S.: I just subscribed to gnome-love after reading parts of the archives,
      congratulation it seems very effective !

Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network http://redhat.com/products/network/
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http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
Sep 17-18 2001 Brussels Red Hat TechWorld http://www.redhat-techworld.com

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