Re: [Anjuta-devel] Re: [gnome-love] gnome-vim bonobo component

On 2001.12.05 03:55 Biswapesh Chattopadhyay wrote:
CC-ing Anjuta-devel, since this seems relevant.


On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 19:25, Janne Morén wrote:
On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 19:37, John Ericson wrote:
I've heard that the new Anjuta is a program that is using bonobo components
heavily. It would be really great to see gnome-vim working in that app.

Correct - the *new* Anjuta, Anjuta DevStudio, is heavly Bonoboised (merged with gIDE). The existing Anjuta is 
sticking with Scintilla.

Oh yes. I downloaded Anjuta, seeing if it had the potential to
eventually being used in our company as an IDE. Turns out that version
0.1.7 already seems to do just about everything you'd want such an
environment to do (makes me wonder what 1.0 is aiming for. World peace?
Antigravity?). The one and only thing missing is getting vim embedded -
the others are happy with the editor - scintilla, I think - but my
fingers stray to vi bindings too often for it to be practical for me.

See above - and you've not tried 0.1.8? It's excellent, you should have a look :-)
The way things have fallen is that 0.1.x is effectively "1.x". That series will continue for a while (with 
myself as maintainer). After that, once Anjuta2 is stable, effort will switch permanently to that. World 
peace and antigravity will have to become Bonobo components....

If it is just key bindings, I'm sure one can modify Scintilla to get
whatever keybinding you want. However, Scintilla has lots of other
functionality, for example dropdown autocompletion and calltips, which
are non-trivial to implement in VIM (Try 0.1.8 to see what I mean).

Exactly why people should try 0.1.8 :-)
As maintainer, and knowing a bit about the roadmap for Anjuta2 which should allow for stuff like gtkHTML and 
gnome-VIM etc to be easily plugged in as editors (or whatever), I'd strongly oppose any kind of fundamental 
change to the 1.x series. I agree that vi keybindings would be nice, but that should probably go back into 
Scintilla and we'll work from there.


Andy Piper - Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
andy piper freeuk com - ICQ #86489434

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