Re: Moved to Gnome 3 and can't drag and drop urls anymore

Philip Walden wrote:
I upgraded my Fedoral 14 (Gnome 2.4?) to 16 (Gnome 3.2?) the other day and I am working through the UI changes.

The one that stymies me the most is that I can no longer figure out how to drag and drop a url from Firefox onto a custom launcher. I had a custom launcher that wrapped get_flash_videos. I simply dragged a link to a video page to the launcher on the *top panel* and viola it launched a terminal with get_flash_videos downloading the video.

I got the launcher to appear in the Activities/Applications list. I just added the desktop file below to ~/.local/share/applications

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=getvid %u
Comment=Invokes get_flash_videos.
Comment[en]=Invokes get_flash_videos.

However, I cannot figure out how to drag and drop an object (url) onto it.

If I click on something (a link in FireFox) and drag it up to the Activities menu, I cannot access the Applications list without releasing the mouse button and losing the object I am dragging.

I have a different Gnome 3.2 installation that is in fallback mode. If I place the above launcher on the top panel (which I cannot do with the full Gnome 3.2), the drag and drop works as before.

It looks like the use of custom launchers and drag-n-drop has fallen by the wayside with the full Gnome 3 experience.

Linuxfest Northwest - Apr 28, 29, 2012 <>
LinuxCounter Registered user #543121 has 5 linux machines <>

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