Re: One very unhappy Linux user

Em Ter, 2011-11-15 às 12:47 +0200, Simos Xenitellis escreveu:

If you want to get to more precise statistics, have a look at
which tells a different story.

It makes sense to install the latest version of your favourite distribution, with the most recent GNOME.
Whether it is Fedora or Ubuntu or something else, you have the option to select the "Classic GNOME"
interface, which is the GNOME Panel from GNOME 2.x

I believe we are all trying to get more people to switch to free and open-source software.
GNOME Shell and Unity help the big masses of new users with an easier to use interface.
Let's make the effort to learn the new user interface.

OOOPS... now I can see some light...
a "Classic gnome"  interface running on the gnome3 with gtk3....
is a must for me...

Thanks for the help... I will serch for...



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