Re: One very unhappy Linux user

On 11/11/11 08:21, Daniel Moore wrote:
Please, Gnome != Linux

Gnome is just one option for Linux out of many. Have a look at the alternatives... try some. Linux has always been about finding the right package for you, not about ensuring that the general direction or distribution conforms to your desires.

That is hardly the point, is it? The point is that users of GNU/Linux want to use an OS that allows them choice and reconfigurability, etc., and not to have chase the whims of developers.

Many people have noted their disappointment with the direction Gnome3 has taken, and on several of the lists I subscribe to users have reported leaving GNOME3 in droves in favor of LXDE or Xfce4. If this is illustrative of developers wanting feedback from their user-base, then this is certainly not the kind of feedback developers can/ should ignore! It indicates that users are not okay with the changes that have been foisted upon them, and that the users are more likely to want the existing code-base of GNOME2 improved and tweaked so that it performs flawlessly, not for the developers to impose their vision of an "improvement" on users which changes the game completely.

Perhaps the developers can fork the projects and call Gnome3 something else, like Gnome Tablet or some such, and continue to offer and support Gnome2 and make it a great DE in terms of removing extant bugs, and memory leaks, etc.

My $0.02 of course, as a user of Gnome since the days of Red Hat 7.1

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