xorg zaphod mode setup


i a zaphod mode setup how the subject say and i start gnome using gdm and selecting the gnome session but gnome start in but X server (:0.0 and :0.1 ) i am looking for stop that behavior of gnome, i already did the change in the gdm session file ( gnome.desktop file ) and put --display=0.0  at the end  gnome-session call but not work , i can saw the proccess what run with that flag but not work:

[user heaven Desktop]$ ps aux | grep gnome-session
user       4297  0.0  0.2 161400  7668 ?        Ssl  19:10   0:00 gnome-session --display=:0.0
user       4324  0.0  0.0  14072   556 ?        Ss   19:10   0:00 /usr/bin/ssh-agent -- gnome-session --display=:0.0
user       4584  0.0  0.0   8000   992 pts/2    S+   19:38   0:00 grep gnome-session

any idea how i can do what i want ?


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