Re: GNOME improvement proposals (related with languages)

Yann MERRIEN wrote:
To all GNOME developers:

First thank you for your great job!

I have two improvements to propose for GNOME:
(A) if there is only one session on the PC: changing the session default language should naturally change also the login screen default language (or display a menu proposing to). Same for the contrary: changing the login screen default language should naturally change also the session default language (or display a menu proposing to).
The new Ubuntu (8.04Alpha6) has this option; when you change the language at the login screen, it asks you if you want to change the language *in* the login screen as well. The reason why the change does not take place automatically is because "gdm" has to restart in order to use another language. It is not possible yet to change the language in a program that is running, without having to restart. I would suspect that this facility has been added to "gdm" (the login program) so all distributions have it.
(B) as soon as a user chooses his session (by entering his login, or clicking on the session picture), the "password screen" (including the date/hour, and option menu) should be displayed in the default language of this user's session.
I believe that this can (has?) be solved by the work in (a). The reason why "gdm" does not restart automatically is becaus the user will momentarily see a blank screen or a flicker.
Thanks for the e-mail,
I hope this can help make GNOME better !


PS: I use GNOME 2.20.1 on Ubuntu 7.10

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