Re: gnome-terminal and F1

Le Sat 02/02/2008 à 14:47 Stefano Sabatini à écrit:
> A better design of the whole stuff would consider the use of a
> modifier key (e.g the menu key present in most keywords) choosable by
> the user which could be used to send all the event to the terminal,
> rather than stealing out events meant to be sent to the application
> running in the terminal.

Are you thinking of some way to define an other key than <Control> to
send control sequences to the terminal ... for example use <Super><D>
to send the <Control><D> sequence to the terminal ?

if it is that, I would really like to push for it. Because in fact I
have a macintosh keyboard, I redefined the keymap so that the super key
and control keys are swapped. But in fact I would really like to use
the real control key in the terminal (it implies that the terminal
converts Super key to control event)


Mildred Ki'lya
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