Re: Desktop suddenly covered in icons for everything in my home folder

Sven Arvidsson wrote:
On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 15:43 +1100, Graeme Nichols wrote:
I did as you said but it has made no difference to my desktop even after
logging out and back in. Still covered in all the rubbish from my home
directory. I need to set the desktop to show the shortcuts that are in
my ~/Desktop directory. On F7 there was a utility, under preferences if
I remember correctly, that I could run to set this but I cannot find
anything on my F8 install.


Just a guess, but is it possible that this is because Fedora uses
xdg-user-dirs and you have changed the path to the desktop?

Check ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and see what XDG_DESKTOP_DIR is set as.

Hello Sven,

Thank you very much. That was the answer. XDG_DESKTOP_DIR was set to my home directory. Changing it to $HOME/Desktop fixed the problem.

I am much indebted to you and I have filed that information away for any possible future use.

Thank you again,


Kind regards,

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