Re: Enhanced Gnome tools

On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 18:17, Paul Smith wrote:

>   hp> In fact writing an entirely new window list is a weekend project; 
>   hp> "libwnck" does all the hard parts and contains all the complex code,
>   hp> you just have to code up whatever specific GUI you want.
>   hp> The window menu someone else mentioned is already available as an
>   hp> applet, but if it weren't, here's how hard it is to write using
>   hp> libwnck:
>   hp>  [hp dhcppc3 libwnck]$ wc -l window-menu.c
>   hp>     129 window-menu.c
> It would be nice if you published that code :)
> I can't seem to find any docs for this library, or even any CVS archive
> to look at the sources...  I'll keep looking.

I guess hp might be referring to (some form of)
(this one is slightly longer: 663 lines ;)

Havoc's libwnck's cvs module name is (surprise! ;) libwnck. IIRC, it's
not documented, although the code is mostly readable.

-- m

Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
Departamento de Matematica - FCEyN - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. I. (1428) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    Norberto Bobbio, Italia civil.


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