Re: libpng version help

Ken Lierman wrote:

>>Consider also imlib.
>oh yeah, i forgot to put than in the list, but i had already done that.
>>You should also have a look at all your libs/apps with ldd to find what
>>are the ones using instead of
>interresting.... my libpng (v 1.0.12) installed as not
> so my apps ARE using, but i'm pretty sure
>that's from libpng-1.0.12.  am i missing something here?
No sorry. I'am not particularily aware about the version number of png,
and as I had the same kind of problem when going to png 1.2.1
(, I assumed (wrongly) that it was the same.. But you should
have gone from to ... ???

>As additional info, even the gdk-pixbuf test programs give these errors,
>so the problem must be in pixbuf or below.... i just don't know exactly
>what the tree of dependicies is.
Badly libpng is really widely used ...
A solution could be to update the whole packages with a distribution as
rawhide of redhat 7.2 which is consistent... or rebuild everything (are
you facing nightmares ... :-)


                  Remi Cohen-Scali                       /\\
<Remi Cohen-Scali com>          <rcoscali rcsnet net>    _\_v

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