Re: Ximian Source

Sorry for not answering your question, but while you're at it I'd like
to note the problems I've had with ximian packages (slightly modified
from original

* gnome-core: ximian menus. Would have been ok if they contained
Red Carpet and Ximian Faq, but they got about half of the applications
which were in programs menu. Don't know why they did this...

* gnome-core: menus were broken, not showing label of the menu;
Favorites menu didn't worked at all.

* gtk+: if in xmms you pressed the arrows, it crashed. Tried 2 different
xmms versions, packaged by ximian, and redhat, none worked.
Switching to gtk+ from redhat solved it.

* control-center: +/- were disabled I think on the left side (selecting

Better use plain gnome, if you want rpms get them from rawhide.

Marius Andreiana

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