Re: gnome feature or Ximian feature ?

Thanks for your reply.

I've heard this but it seems not enough (or I need to set the SUID bit).

> ll /sbin/halt  
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         7.6k mai 14 18:01 /sbin/halt
> ll /sbin/shutdown 
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          15k mai 14 18:01 /sbin/shutdown

btw, I believe that this is true but only with Ximian.

Christophe ...

Le sam, 14 jui 2001 16:21:16, Patrick Kellaher a écrit :
> Hi
> I don't know if anyone answered your question yet, but... 
> > On the gnome logout dialog box, with my new setup I have only two
> choices :
> > logout or not ("Do you really want to logout ? yes or No"). With my old
> > setting more choices were available : LogoutYesNo and halt/shutdown the
> > machine.
> > I can't find where/how to enable this. I'va had a quick look at the
> > gnome-core code and I've not find code related to halt/shutdown in the
> > logout dialog box.
> > So my question is : Is this a feature added by Ximian and not
> integrated in
> > the gnome source ?
> I remember reading somewhere that the halt/shutdown option will
> automatically appear if the current user has permission to excute halt or
> shutdown.  Having never tried this, I don't know if it is actaully right
> or not... my computer rarely gets turned off.
> Pat
> -- 
> Patrick Kellaher
> Public Key:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> 	"Black holes are where God divided by zero."
> 				--Steven Wright
Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer - christophe barbe lineo fr
Lineo France - Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric - 92110 Clichy - France
phone (33). - fax (33).

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