Re: Most Recent version and etc


Is the version of GNOME at different from Ximian GNOME? Also, would
there be a problem installing from source? Since I am relatively new to Linux I
like working with the source code when I can because it helps me learn the system

Leonard Smith

Garrett Mickelson wrote:

> Leonard,
> I highly recommend downloading all the packages. Go to their website and
> download page. There select Install Ximian GNOME manually, as they don't
> have a Slackware version of the Go GNOME script. I recommend downloading
> the Ximian GNOME Installer for Intel Computers Running Linux (Non-RH7).
> If the installer has problems with Slackware then you will have to
> verify that you have RPM3 installed, as these are RPM packages. I don't
> think Ximian has any intent of creating Slackware Packages.
> Good Luck,
> Garrett Mickelson
> On 24 Jan 2001 10:41:21 +0000, Leonard Smith wrote:

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