Re: slave DNS server

On Mon, 2001-12-24 at 07:41, Rahul Garg wrote:
> what i think is , i have to make windows server as slave of linux server - am i riht?
> if yes, then where i have to make changes -on linux m/ c or windows m/c and what changes??

I'm not quite sure exactly what you are doing. Are these official
external DNS servers?

Anyway, to specify a slave DNS server you need to copy your DNS info
onto the Windows server changeing the bind configuration file
(named.conf - if you are in fact running bind on the windows server) to
say slave everywhere it says master, then adding a masters line to the
slave configuration. Like so:

zone "" {
        type slave;
        file "";
        masters {; };

You might need to add an entry to named.conf on the master DNS server to
allow the slave DNS server to fetch DNS info as well. Well that should
be it. Provided your DNS setup is otherwise correct.

Martin S
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