Re: Speed-Up Tips! [Was Re: Top Ten Nautilus Speed-up Tips ?]

> In Hardware:
> * What's the easiest and cheapest way to give things a boost? Why more
>   RAM of course!

Although this is _completely_ off-topic, I can't help but plug this site
and it's software:

It's a GPL tarball that needs just gcc and dev86 packages to compile. It
produces a memtest.bin file that you can add to lilo/boot.ini or
dd/rawrite it to a floppy. On booting into it, it does a very thorough
test on your memory.

I recently bought two cheap RAM sticks at Fry's (ah, the joy's the of
tripling one's memory), and tested them. One was bad. Hah! So I
exchanged it.

	= Loban

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
|  loban earthling net, loban ugcs caltech edu,  |

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