Re: Image usage: will Gnome ever do these things?

Paul E Johnson wrote:

> Over the last year, these ideas have come up and at least once
> developers said the first would be possible.
> 1. Gnome terminal preferences: Randomly choose a background image from a
> directory. 

Here's a perl script that I run as a startup program which gives me a random
image from my collection of background pictures.


------------------------------------ cut here ---------------------------


#  randbg - select a background for the root window
#  981107 - jt fecit

#  Assumptions:
    #  The backgrounds directory is in env var $BACKGROUNDS

#  Get display information

my $screenwidth, $screenheight;
$screenwidth = 1152;
$screenheight = 900;
open DISPLAY, "/usr/bin/X11/xwininfo -root -display :0.0 |" or die "Can't get root window info.\n";
while (<DISPLAY>) {
    if (/Width:\s*(\d.+)/) { $screenwidth = $1;}
    elsif (/Height:\s*(\d.+)/) { $screenheight = $1;}

#  Get a directory list (ls short form) of the backgrounds dir

my $bgdir = $ENV{BACKGROUNDS};
if ($bgdir eq "") {
    $bgdir = "/home/jeff/images/backgrounds";
my @imagelist = `ls $bgdir`;

#  Randomly select one

my $myimage = $imagelist[rand(scalar(@imagelist))];
open BGNAME, ">$ENV{HOME}/.bgname" or warn "Couldn't open name file\n";
print BGNAME "$myimage";
close BGNAME;

#  Identify it and break out the dimensions. Quote the name to allow
#  for some special characters in the names

my ($iname, $idim, $etc) = split(/\s/, `/usr/X11R6/bin/identify $bgdir/"$myimage"`);
my ($iwidth, $iheight) = split("x", $idim);

#  Generate a set of cropping specifications (geometry)

my $screenaspect = $screenheight/$screenwidth;
my $imaspect = $iheight/$iwidth;
my ($newwidth, $newheight);
$newwidth = $iwidth;
$newheight =  $iheight;

my ($xstart, $ystart) = (0, 0);

if ($imaspect < $screenaspect) { #  Crop from right
   $newwidth = $iheight/$screenaspect;
   $xstart = ($iwidth - $newwidth)/2;
} else {               # Crop from bottom
  $newheight = $iwidth*$screenaspect;
  $ystart = ($iheight - $newheight)/2;

#  Try with both xv and ImageMagick -- use ImageMagick
#  Switched to use xv Thu Jan 28 17:40:54 PST 1999

my $cmd = "/usr/X11R6/bin/xv -display :0.0 -root -maxpect -quit -crop $newx $newy $newwidth $newheight $bgdir/$myimage";
my $cropspec = int($newwidth) . "x" . int($newheight). "+" . int($xstart) . "+" . int($ystart);

my $cmd2 = "display -crop $cropspec -geometry $screenwidth" . "x" . 
    "$screenheight -window root $bgdir/$myimage";
printf STDERR "$cmd2\n";

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