gnome - no desktop.

Well I am in trouble. I have no idea how I lost my desktop but nothing comes 
up when I try and log into gnome. However when I try logging in to gnome as 
'root' I get that nice little picture in the middle of the screen and a 
notice about being cautious logging in as root. But that is as far as I get. 
It is a bit more than what I get as a user but why are things acting up like 

To try and fix this , I used helix-update and go-gnome to install files again.
It made no difference. I am no longer able to get in..

I am sorry I can't offer more of what happened here but if 
anyone simply knows how one can get into gnome by what ever methods, it would 
be appreciated.

By the way - KDE2 works fine. Its just gnome that has me in trouble.

Ted Gervais Coldbrook, Nova Scotia Canada
Email: ve1drg fox nstn ca
Phone: 902.679.2253

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