Prioritisation of Gnome components/apps/utils

Hi all,

I'm testing the Gnome componenets/apps (e.g. gedit, emacs, gcalc, etc) and am 
trying to prioritise these Gnome components/apps into set groups based on the 
following criterion and from a users perspective:

P1 = Components/apps that are used frequently on a daily basis

P2 = Components/apps that are used infrequently on a daily basis

P3 = Components/apps that are used on a weekly basis

P4 = The remaining components/apps. 

If anyone has a preference for certain components to fall into a particular 
category please drop me aline - this way i'll be getting a more realistic 
picture of what components/apps people in general will expect/use 

tks in advance


"life is the experience from which I'll take my inspiration" - JP Satre

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