Latest diffs

What's going on with the latest batch of diffs??

gnome-core-, gnome-applets-1.2.3-1.2.4, and
bug-buddy-1.1-1.2 all had diffs for "spec" files that aren't part of the
distribution, but are generated by configure.  Did somebody do "make
clean" instead of "make distclean"??

Also, gnome-applets-1.2.4 included diffs for tasklist applet files that
are part of DeskGuide (and were diffed there as well).

Finally, bug-buddy rejected a hunk because of a timestamp in the
bug-buddy.pot file. Easily fixed, but after all the other failures,
taking on the proportions of a real nuissance.

Enquiring minds want to know . . .

   ld_barthel yahoo com |
       Organization: The Pennswald Group -- Linux powered!!

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