Configuring Gnome main menu

	Hello, I recently posted a question similar to this to the list,
but the answer (although informative and quick) did not answer all of my
question.  I want to edit the main menu in Gnome.  However, I do NOT mean
editing the Application links menu (ie. in /usr/share/gnome/apps or
/etc/X11/applnk), I mean I want to change the menu so that I can add and
remove items from the top-level:

My main menu currently has:

	KDE Menus
	Lock Screen

	I know that the menu editor can modify the items within the
Programs menu (if root) and a user can modify the Favorites items.  I also
realize that you can turn on or off particular menus in the panel controls
(ie. turn on or off KDE Menus, Debian Menus, etc.)  However, is there a
way to change the menu to:


Or whatever.  That is, add/delete "seemingly random items" to the main
menu, and change the order of those items already existing.  I have not
been able to locate a config. file or directory within the Gnome arch. to
do this.  I also briefly sifted through the source code to the menu panel
to see if there is some way to find this information -- I did not find
anything there (although my search was brief).

Can someone point me in the right direction.  If this is NOT possible,
then hopefully it is being worked on.


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 CS Graduate student at the University of Waterloo
 Contact me:
   - glmclearn math ANTI-SPAM uwaterloo ca
   - aa627 chebucto ANTI-SPAM ns ca
   - (519) 888-4567 x3399
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