Re: strange startup directory

That sounds reasonable, except for the last few days I would boot into init 3,
and startx immediately, no console work at all.  I copied out everything into
a new directory, and deleted the offending directory. Everything works properly

I'm going to keep an eye on things; this is a linux from scratch system and
I may have a rogue script somewhere that gets called occasionally.  I've 
been using linux for half a year now, and finally know enough to be dangerous.

On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 03:25:45AM +0800, Garrett Mickelson wrote:
> Rich,
> This has to due with what directory you were in at the time you ran
> startx. you should be in your home directory when you run it. 
> Good Luck,
> Garrett Mickelson
> -- 
> Garrett Mickelson
> Linux Systems Engineer
> Penguin Computing
> garrett penguincomputing com
> ++1.415.358.2600
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Rich Rudnick

nickrud citlink net

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