Mail client anyone?

    finally, I've managed to (almost) complete the migration from windows to
LINUX, about my Internet connections... I've easily found a browser, a FTP
client, a download manager, even a napster client... the only missing thing
(and it's NOT fish and chips, to tell the truth! ;) is a mail client that
suits my needs...
    Alas! I'm searching for one that manages multiple mail accounts, and
HTML-formatted messages... Netscape accepts only one account, while Balsa
only plain text... does someone know a (Gnome compliant, possibly) mail app
that does all this stuff? :)
    I know I'm uncovering a Pandora vase... and maybe in this list no one is
interested in reading another ton of emails about it... ;) for this reason,
maybe it's better if anyone so kind to answer me would write directly to me
at thank you very much in advance! Really, you'd make me
happy... I'm simply trying to quit windows... and for a new (but proud! :)
linux user it's not all that easy, after all...
    Thanks again,
        Mano :))

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