Re: Running gnome within VNC

On 30-Jun-00 Zakaria wrote:
> Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
> Daniel Hauck wrote:
>> Has anyone done this successfully?  If so, how did you do it?
>> I have installed VNC recently, but it is using this UGLY "twm" and I really
>> hate it.
> In my RedHat 6.1 server at work I just change my ~/.vnc/xstartup to

        [details snipped]

        It's also possible to run VNC via xdm, if you want to go
that route. Unfortunately, the computer I did this on is not available
at the moment, but it's fairly easy to do if you want to try it. Just
add the Xvnc server as your display :1 (or whatever) in xdm's Xservers
file. Don't use the vncserver script, just run Xvnc with the appro-
priate command line. On my system, I had to use the geometry, depth,
and dpi75 command line switches. Xvnc will be a local server, not
a remote one.

        If anyone wants to try this and they're stuck, e-mail
me and I'll send along the changes I made to the xdm configuration.

        I was not able to get this to work with gdm. For some
reason, the gdm login screen would not appear.

Date: 30-Jun-00  Time: 11:37:17

Craig Orsinger                  (email: <>)
Logicon Advanced Technology
Bldg. 8B28                      "Just another megalomaniac with ideas above his
6th & F Streets                 station. The Universe is full of them."
Ft. Lewis, WA   98433                   - The Doctor

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