Re: Running gnome within VNC

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Daniel Hauck wrote:
> Has anyone done this successfully?  If so, how did you do it?
> I have installed VNC recently, but it is using this UGLY "twm" and I really
> hate it.

In my RedHat 6.1 server at work I just change my ~/.vnc/xstartup to
exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc 

I also change my .Xclients-default to
if [ "$1" = "vnc" ]; then
  if [ "$2" ]; then
    exec vncviewer -fullscreen  -passwd ~/.vnc/passwd $2
    exec vncviewer -fullscreen  -passwd ~/.vnc/passwd :1
  exec gnome-session

That way to see my vncserver I just have to type startx vnc.

IIRC you need to change some line in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
from "exec $HOME/.Xclients" to "exec $HOME/.Xclients $*".
And also your ~/.Xclients from "exec $HOME/.Xclients-default"
to "exec $HOME/.Xclients-default $*" . So that 'startx vnc' trick works.

Thanks to VNC now I'm free from X Console lockup. Just Ctrl + Alt + BackSpace 
to Kill the xncviewer and kill the offending app Netscape or SawMill 
or GNOME :). 

Another advantage is really-really lock your console.
I use startx so XScreenSaver Lock is easily bypassed by pressing
Ctrl + Alt + BackSpace. Just lock your GNOME desktop, kill the viewer
and leave the console at text login.

What's great is put the windows VNC viewer at your samba share and you
could pick any computer in your LAN to see GNOME Desktop.


-- Zakaria
PT. Asia Karsa Indah     
Advanced Technologies    
Jl. Raya Kalimalang 4B, Jakarta
Telp : (62-21) 8649318   
Fax  : (62-21) 8649316   

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