Re: make gnome listen on localhost:*

Derek Simkowiak wrote:
> -> I don't care what hardware/OS you're running, with the onset of 'always
> -> on' technologies (*DSL), you're going to have to run some kind of
> -> firewall, whether you're a geek or not.
>         To be perfectly clear: I do not contest that firewalls are an
> absolute necessity.

I don't think I said you said that.

>         I do not believe that using Unix sockets (or turning off network
> services) is a replacement for real security.


>         However, regardless of how we think a network should be set up, we
> should do our best to make Gnome as secure as possible.  Using Unix
> sockets greatly reduces the possibly of a remote exploit; therefor, it
> should be the default.

I absolutely agree GNOME should be as secure as possible as well as UNIX

>         To say, "We don't need to make Gnome secure because security
> should be left up to the firewall" is absurd.


> --Derek

Until later: Geoffrey

Microsoft != Innovation

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