Re: suggestion about themability

Okay.  There's another area of theming that I would really like
to see improved.

Currently, the theme dictates look and feel in a fairly rigid way.
For example, if I want to modify the colors shown in a border that
uses an stretched image as a background, I have to go in an edit 
the image in order to shift the brightness, contrast, saturation 
and hue.  I think this should be handled at Gnome startup time.
In other words, I would like a user interface that allows me to
select parts of the Gnome GUI and then select changes to the 
brightness, contrast, saturation and hue of that GUI element.
Then, the next time Gnome loads, a preprocessing pass is done on
any GUI elements I have specified for color shifting and the theme
shows up as I have specified.

The beauty here is that this would allow a user to blend the 
properties of themes with color scheme flexibility. 

On another topic, it would be great to have a "build your own
GTK+ theme" interface in the Theme section that would allow
browsing of image files and then dragging and dropping images
onto GUI elements (buttons, backgrounds, etc).  This interface
could also allow further customization of prepackaged themes.
For example, let's say I love the Gradient theme, but I want my
buttons to have a different background.

What say you all?


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