Re: conflict? gnome updater vs. RH up2date

On Sat, Jul 15, 2000 at 12:48:13PM -0700, Martin Brown wrote:
> Actually, I have the latest python installed, but it installs to
> /usr/local/bin, quickly solved with a link.  Now, up2date runs, but can't
> find a gtk module.  I, also, have the latest gtk.
> I fear that the system, RH6.1, is slowly coming apart.  :(

You have the latest gtk, but you don't have the latest python-gtk
bindings -- or if you do, you have them installed via rpm, which
assumes you have python installed via rpm, which puts it into /usr,
not /usr/local.

Your system will tend to come apart if you liberally mix packages
installed by hand (which by policy install into /usr/local) and
packages installed with the package manager (in your case, rpm),
which install into /usr.

Ian Peters

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