RE: No title bars...

On 25-Jan-00 Josh Orfanakis wrote:
> I also made sure I tried to update Enlightenment
> When I lauch Gnome it slowly comes up with an xterm in the upper right
> corner. There is no title bar. Then the File Manager comes up pinned to
> the upper right corner, no title bar. Netscape will come up if launched
> same spot no title bar. I cannot bring up windows  from the back ground
> or gain focus on different windows.
> I can successfully run a session of X with FVWM so I think X is
> configured properly.

        Looks to me like Enlightenment isn't getting started, or to
be more precise, it's crashing on startup for some reason. You
can confirm that by doing a "ps ax" on either the terminal window
or in a virtual console.

Date: 25-Jan-00  Time: 11:52:29

Craig Orsinger                  (email: <>)
Logicon RDA
Bldg. 8B28                      "Just another megalomaniac with ideas above his
6th & F Streets                 station. The Universe is full of them."
Ft. Lewis, WA   98433                   - The Doctor

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