Re: Gnome, KDE flamebait

At 10:56 14/02/00 -0500, Steve Homer wrote:

>Flaming on this thread as far as I am concerned is an absolute must! 

I strongly disagree.  Courtesy costs nothing and facilitates understanding.
 Rudeness does neither of these things.

>a) How can we make Gnome and KDE work together in a nice clean way??? 

Hmmm.  I installed RH6.1 and selected both Gnome and KDE desktops.
The result is a Gnome enviromment with a menu item "KDE apps" containing a
large number of KDE programs and utilities of one sort or another.  They
seem to work just fine.
What problem are you trying to address here?

>b) What are the relative advantages of both systems 

Sorry, don't think I can help you there.  It might be similar to the emacs
vs vi debate :-)
I started with SuSe/KDE, but much prefer RH/Gnome/Enlightenment because of
the latter's greater flexibility (eg I can have MANY more desktops <grin>).

One feature KDE has is the ability to have different backgrounds for each
of its four desktops.  I liked that, and Gnome doesn't have it.  (is this
the sort of thing you meant in your Q?).

Brian Astill,  Visiting Research Fellow
Flinders University Institute of International Education

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