Re: Gnome and win32?

On 15 Feb 00, Eric Sandeen had questions about Gnome and win32?:

> Is any of Gnome really portable to Win32?  (Keep in mind that
> I'm a C dummy for the most part.)  :) 

I haven't seen the post you refer to, but I would guess that what 
he's talking about requires the GNU/win32 (cygwin.dll) environment.
See the info at

I also heard of a project doing a win32-based GTK binding for Ada.  
If you're planning to code much of your own stuff, and you're not a 
C or C++ guru, then I would seriously consider learning Ada.  It's 
got support for OOD/OOP and proper software engineering, and has 
the most mature (and sensible) international standard of any modern 
language.  Also, it was actually designed to be easily readable by 
humans (say what?) and has the strongest compile-time checking 
(both syntax and semantics) of any language I know of.  It has well 
defined interfaces to other languages (an Ada first and only) and 
also truly supports code and package re-use.  Now how much would 
pay?!? But wait! There's more!

For more info, see:

If you're curious, by all means, find out more (I can recommend a 
number of good books).  Just don't believe what others tell you, 
unless they're serious Ada programmers.  Many techie-types, even 
professional programmers, don't know shit about Ada (or software 
engineering for that matter) but they're not shy about propagating 
the many Ada myths that are continually floating around out there 
(kind of like the many Internet/virus hoaxes that my Mom sends 

I think that's enough advocacy for now :)


Stephen L Arnold            
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