Re: Modest idea

> Dynamic html does that. And java.

	Java bites :).  DHTML is certainly one option, but I've never been
comfortable with the idea of depending on the web browswer for a local
application.  Something based on the GnomeCanvas would be much faster,
cleaner, flexible... etc.

> > 2) Full-screen mode, with no window manager
> > decorations
> Microsoft did it with ie, so maybe there is a way for
> gnu/linux browsers?

	Yes, if nothing else we could use Javascript to maximize the
window to the screen dimensions.  Only problem is the Panel would still
show through.  Also, I'd prefer not to depend on the browser (but that's
just me).

> Wouldn't it be better(and harder, I know) to create an
> easy to use free software Multimedia Creator
> aplication?

	Having the software/tools is only about 40% of creating a "game"
(where "game" is used to describe multimedia software that isn't an office
application).  Most of the work is in creating the graphics, sounds,
storyline, characters, voices, video, etc.


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