Re: project of the week question

Quoting Olaf Grüttner (
> > > idea behind: my addresses are stored in an ascii file, each item
> > > separated from the other by ";" . From time to time I mix up what has
> > > to follow... a tool could simplify that enormously.
> > 
> > What mailer stores them in a format like that? And doesn't it have a
> > command for adding new addresses.. at least mutt does.
> No mailer does. I do. It was just an example. So lets take another example. 
> In databases you need to enter data, in formulas you do, as well as in
> production systems, financial systems, management systems and any kind
> of professional application where manufacturing data is entered. This
> data is then written to a file or otherwise processed by some database
> or server... . 
> For each application you need to create a different program for
> entering data.
> I believe a nice gnome-frontend for these tasks (e.g. a mask with 5
> items) is easily created with the glade program, but how about
> creating this at runtime. I mean how about writing a widget which asks
> for the amount of different values and what they mean. 
> Then it automatically creates a mask for entering the data. 

It sounds like Gnumeric plus a good text export plugin could be used for

Andreas Persenius |   |

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