shutdown prompt question

Hi all,
  i've just started using gnome with Enlightment as my window manager and i 
have one question:

When i log out as a regular user and i select "Reboot" or "Halt", it prompts 
me for the user password.  When i log out as root and select the same 
options, it does not prompt me.

Or if i just logged out as a normal user, i can then choose "halt" or 
"reboot" from the login menu and not have to give a password.

So my question is: Is there any way to turn off prompting regular users when 
the HALT or REBOOT option is chosen upon logout?
I've looked in the control panel, under Startup Programs, there is an option 
called "Prompt on logout".  That is currently un-selected for me and makes 
no difference if i have it selected or not.
Is there another option somewhere else i'm missing?

Any help, hints or suggestions would be appreciated.
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