Re: Host Name Problem

On 30 Dec 2000 18:07:26 -0500, David McGlone wrote:
> you need to add the name you are using for your ISP into /etc/host then,
> for example my ISP is, my user name is Dmcglone, therefore I
> add Dmcglone ameritech net to the /etc/host file, replacing the
> "localhost.localdomain. You may have to do the same thing to the file
> /etc/HOSTNAME. That should
> do the trick, but I am using Red Hat, so the distro's may varay slightly. 

OK people you need to understand what the /etc/hosts file is for.  It
holds IP addresses and host name and thats it!!!  It does NOT hold user
id's.  There should always be a line with your localhost name in it like
so: localhost

Never mess with this line other that to add a localhosts.localdomain in
it.  When you want to add a new host just add a new line, such as:  myhost

When an application such as Netscape wants an IP address it talks to the
resolver library which in turn will query such items as your name
severs, /etc/hosts file and possibly NIS if you have that configured.
The /etc/host.conf file will show you the order in which these things
are queried.

For more detailed information see the Network Administrators Guide (NAG)
on the Linux Documentation project home page.

George Farris - VE7FRG           E-Mail : george gmsys com

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