Re: does Gnome-terminal have problems ?

anvil amin unice fr (2000-12-21 at 1204.04 +0100):
> > There are also plenty of bugs about the meta kep being mapped to
> > what some people consider the wrong thing (and to what some people
> > consider the right thing, of course... Can't please everyone 
> > simultaneously, apparently).
> I thought that "meta-i-to-make-é" was some kind of standard because a
> lot of client (xterm, emacs, ...) do it on many unix(unices?) (linux,
> solaris..). Can't it be rule by the xmodmap program ? This isn't xmodmap
> aim ?

I though xmodmap handles the way keys are got by apps. Recently I tied
Alt and Meta, and make the "rare keys" work as Hyper. Also discovered
the niceness of Multi_key (Compose key) to write things as © quickly.
It does not seem to work in gnome-terminal.

> > I know there are better ways to generated accented letters which do
> > not require an applet, but I have never managed to get any suggested
> > way (alt-gr, meta, whatever) to work. This one works. I have a couple
> > of panels, and charpicker sits on one of them permanently. 
> This is surely the slowest way I have to make accent. :(
> I'm afraid if I can choose, i'll choose another way or i'll choose
> nothing but thank you for your answers.

You can choose, use xterms, or any other term you like and does all
you need. I use xterm cos I can change font on the fly, copy & paste
works more or less consistently, compose key works and as well as
other details. I can live without the RAM that gnome-terminal would
save and the bg.

Ooooh, well, maybe someday gnomer-terminal will do all we need / want.


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