Re: does Gnome-terminal have problems ?

Telsa wrote not long time ago GMT :
> > I actually uses ircii as my favorite irc client and i use it with the
> > screen command and I discovered that the scrollbar of gnome-terminal
> > does not take care of screen scrolling history.. Xterm does take care
> > of it, and i was told that an older version (a 1.0.x) of
> > gnome-terminal did it too..
> Haven't tried it under screen. There are plenty of remaining
> "xterm does it this way; gnome-terminal doesn't" buglets, though,
> from skimming

I thought scrollbar with screen might be useful :)

> There are also plenty of bugs about the meta kep being mapped to
> what some people consider the wrong thing (and to what some people
> consider the right thing, of course... Can't please everyone 
> simultaneously, apparently).

I thought that "meta-i-to-make-é" was some kind of standard because a
lot of client (xterm, emacs, ...) do it on many unix(unices?) (linux,
solaris..). Can't it be rule by the xmodmap program ? This isn't xmodmap
aim ?

> Gnome-applets has a lovely little panel applet called "charpicker_applet":
> the Gnome Character Picker Applet. (Applets->Utility->Character Picker).)
> You left-click (assuming a a right-handed mouse) on the applet, hit the
> letter that's most like what you need in order to get all the possibilities,
> then left-click on the accented letter you want, move your mouse to
> where you want the letter, and middle-click. 
> I know there are better ways to generated accented letters which do
> not require an applet, but I have never managed to get any suggested
> way (alt-gr, meta, whatever) to work. This one works. I have a couple
> of panels, and charpicker sits on one of them permanently. 

This is surely the slowest way I have to make accent. :(
I'm afraid if I can choose, i'll choose another way or i'll choose
nothing but thank you for your answers.


	 Dams Nadé
DEA Informatique : anvil amin unice fr
Association AMIN :
Irc Operator     : Anvil on IrcNet.Eurecom.Fr

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