I actually agree with original author that there should be a possibility
to disable them.
I do not encourage my daughter to switch to windows too casually to
play games, and
she takes seriously my request not to touch reboot button .
Also, in Linux desktop enviroment, running 7/24 as mine does,
decision to reboot/shutdown is not done at logout stage and is
logically unrelated to logouts (logout-shutdown are related, often,
for portables). So there is not reason to suggest it
in logout dialog in this case (I do have it in gdm chooser, however)
Sean Middleditch writes:
I dunno if it's Helix. Actually, mine wasn't working either, until i download an update in 'usermode' or some similar package from Mandrake, and then they showed up again. The menu options, I think (pure speculation here, I've never read the code for this) will only show the reboot/halt options if the current user can execute halt and reboot commands. The Mandrkae update (I think it was usermode) gives these commands PAM capabilities (or wrappers around the commands that use PAM), so this is something you should look into. Sean Etc.