Re: How do I uninstall Gnome

On 21-Aug-00 Telsa Gwynne wrote:
>> My condition: On one box I can't convince applications that I have gtk 
>> 1.2.8 and glib 1.2.8; configure keeps saying I have 1.2.7! I've deleted 
>> all remenants of gtk/glib 1.2.7, checked gtk-config and tried other means 
>> such as deleting the checks for said libraries in configure scripts (this 
>> works sometimes but the problem's not solved.
> Can't solve this.

        If, by "checked gtk-config" you mean that the commands:

        which gtk-config
        gtk-config --version

        gave you the right answers, I can't solve it, either. It
sure sounds like you have an old gtk-config program somewhere.

Craig Orsinger                <>
Logicon Advanced Technology  

"'Eureka'. It's Greek for 'This bath's too hot'."   - The Doctor

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